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Copy this coupon code: whitehatbox20off
In order to achieve a great success in Facebook marketing, we need to increase the engagement with friends and others, we should interact more with people on Facebook. We can increase the interaction by following people, like people/posts, share, comment posts, but if all these things just be done by hands, it is a huge waste of time and energy.
At present, there is a lot of Facebook bots that can do those things, and of which, FollowingLike is the best automation tool for Facebook. It can run multiple Facebook accounts at the same time to auto follow, like, post, add, share, comment, send message and so on. Here the main function that i will mainly introduce is "how to auto comment on Facebook posts":
Following these steps to set this task:
- Step 1. Add the "Account" module. Add your software into this bot.
- Step 2. Add the "Text" module. Write the keyword that you're gonna use to search posts.
- Step 3. Add the "Search Posts" module. Use the keyword to search posts.
- Step 4. Add the "Text" module. Write content that you want to comment on posts.
- Step 5. Add the "Comment" module. Comment on these posts that you searched.
Check the setting image:
Check the running image:
With this powerful Facebook bot, you don't need to worry that you have no time to interact with your friends and other people. And this software has use Artificial Intelligence, no need to worry about getting banned.
Get the biggest coupon code for followinglike: whitehatbox20off
Read more details here:
As we know, it is very important to send direct message on Facebook, if these operation can be automatic, it is a really wonderful thing! If we can send mass messages to Facebook page, it will bring us a lot of business opportunities. FollowingLike is this kind of powerful software to auto send message on Facebook, you can not only send messages to your friends, but also mass send messages to any Facebook business pages as long as you can search out in Facebook.
The point is "how to auto send message to your Facebook friends", keeping the following steps:
- Add the Account module. Add your Facebook account.
- Add the SearchFriend module. Search all your Facebook friends.
- Add the Text module. Write the content you want to send to your friends.
- Add the Send Message module. Use your account to get the message to auto send.
Checking the setting picture:
This is how it runs:
There is an available followinglike coupon code, which offered by official site, checking the bellow.
You should follow these steps to set the task "Auto send message to Facebook page":
- Choose the Account module. Choose your Facebook account.
- Choose the Text module. Add the keywords you want to search pages.
- Choose the Search Pages module. Use the keywords to search the pages you want to send message.
- Choose the Text module. Write the message you want to send to pages.
- Choose the Send Message to Page module. Use your account to send message to these pages you searched.
Let's see the setting:
Checking the running status:
You can easily combine, mix and sort these modules(account, text, search and follow, like, add, post, send message etc) to create any tasks you want. All these operation is same to human's operation, you don't need to worry about your accounts got suspended. If you have more accounts to manage, just add proxies for your each account.
If you like this software, use this followinglike coupon code to buy it, which saves a lot. Copy here: whitehatbox20off
Checking more details here:
A lot of people are talking about how to share to multiple Facebook groups in Facebook business, it is really an important function that can be applied in Facebook marketing. If you still hesitate to find a Facebook bot, i'd like to give the best suggestion - FollowingLike, which can not only auto share posts on multiple Facebook groups, but also share on your profile, your business page and your friends' timeline. It is a powerful program that can run thousands of Facebook accounts to automate all the campaigns that you want to do on Facebook.
Get back to the point, how to auto share posts on multiple Facebook groups? Check the following setting steps:
- Add the “Account” module. Choose your Facebook account.
- Add the “Text” module. Write the keywords you want to search posts.
- Add the “Search Posts” module. Use the keywords to search the posts you want to share.
- Add the “Text” module. Write the content you want to say when share the posts.
- Add the “Text” module. Write the group name that you want to share to.
- Add the “Share” module. Use your account to share the posts to the group.
This is the setting picture:
This is the running status:
Share FollowingLike Coupon Code: whitehatbox20off
Actually, FollowingLike has many other functions for Facebook version, Learn more here:
In Facebook marketing, a lot of friends is the basis for business on Facebook. But if we just add a lot of friends by hand everyday, it is a waste of time and energy. With FollowingLike, you don't need to worry about this boring work, because it will not only automate add friends on Facebook for you, but also automate all the work you want to do on Facebook:
Auto follow, unfollow, add/accept friends, unfriend, like pages/posts/comments, reply comments, share to page/timeline/group, comment, send message/to page, post on page/wall/group, create/join/leave groups, invite user on groups/like page, export users/posts from page/group.
Back to the point, how to auto add multiple friends on Facebook? Keeping the following steps:
- Add the “Account” module. Choose your Facebook account.
- Add the “Text” module. Write keyword for search people.
- Add the “Search People” module. Use the keyword to search people for adding.
- Add the “Add Friends” module. Use your account to add the people you searched.
Checking the setting photo:
Checking the running status:
You can manage multiple accounts at the same to automate your work, just need to give each account different proxies. it also can simulate human operation perfectly, which avoids your accounts to get suspended! Every time you want to run some tasks, you just combine, mix these function modules(follow, like, comment, add etc) with basic modules(account, text, search etc.) to create any tasks you want.
Get this special coupon code: whitehatbox20off
Enter the official
If you are doing business on Facebook and want to post to multiple groups, then FollowingLike is the best choice for Facebook marketing, and this Facebook bot will give your a great help. You can not only use this program to auto post on groups that you have or joined, but also can post on your pages and your friends' timeline/wall. Absolutely you can post on your Facebook profile, too.
FollowingLike is a such powerful program to run multiple accounts to automate all the tasks you want to do on Facebook. It has many functions, including the following:
Auto follow/unfollow, Like pages/posts/comments, Reply comments, Add friends/unfriend/accept friend, Post on page/timeline/group, Share to page/group/timeline, comment, Send DM, Send message to page, Create/join/leave groups, Invite user on groups/like page, Export users from pages/groups.
Here i will introduce how to set the task "Auto post to multiple FB groups":
1. Choose the “Account” module. Choose your Facebook account.
2. Choose the “Text” module. Write the content you want to post on groups.
3. Choose the “Search Groups” module. Search the groups you have or joined.
4. Choose the “Post on Groups” module. Post the content to the groups you searched. Check the setting photo:
This is running status, see how it runs:
If you have multiple Facebook accounts to manage, you should give each accounts different proxies. You can combine, mix and sort these basic modules(like, comment, post etc. and account, text, search) to create any tasks you want. The software can simulate human operation perfectly to avoid your account to get suspended!
Get a coupon code: whitehatbox20off
Learn more details on FollowingLike:
If you have known something about FollowingLike or are using it, you must know that it is a complete automation software(Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest) to run thousands of accounts at the same time 24/7 to auto follow, unfollow, follow back, like, unlike, post, pin, comment, share, add friends and send messages etc.
Today i will introduce more details about Facebook version, how to set one of the main functions - Auto Like module:
- Add the "Account". Click to choose your own Facebook account.
- Add the "Text". Click to input the keywords that you want to search.
- Add the "Search Pages" or "Search Posts". If you want to auto like the pages, search pages; if you want to auto like the posts, search posts.
- Add the "Like Pages" or "Like Posts". Use you account to auto like the pages or posts that searched.
This is the setting photo:
This is the running photo:
The whole process is running like you do in your browser, this will avoid your accounts got suspended.
FollowingLike discount coupon code, copy here: whitehatbox20off
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